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8,99 €Cena

Product: House of Kings Meal ready to eat

Type: Food/ Drink

Info: This is a meal ready to eat for MilSims and loger lasting airsoft games

This package contains:

  • 1x Canned Food [Of choice]
  • 1x Raman
  • 1x Candy Bar [Of choice]
  • 1x Crakers
  • 1x Cedevita Package/Drink Mix [Of choice]
  • 1x Sauce
  • 1x Gum
  • 1x Spoon
  • 1x Fork
  • 1x Knife
  • 1x Matches
  • 1x Napkin
  • 1x Firestarters/Food heaters

Discription: Greate for MilSim porpuses this includes a meal included with drinks and even desert at less then the price of an normal MRE.

  • Return Policy

    This item is not eligable for refound

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